If you’re not familiar with the Christopher Ward C63 Sealander, it’s a line you should get to know. To help you there, we’ve got a few articles on it (here, here, and here). Now that you’re all caught up, it’s time to take a gander at the three new dial colors that were recently released.

For this release, it’s only on the 36mm Sealander, and there are three colors that are available: Viridian (green), Foxglove (purple) and Oxygen (blue). Not only that, if you opt for a strap, you can get it color-matched to the dial as well. Me, I’m all about the bracelet, and I’m finding myself surprisingly drawn towards the purple dial.

There are 150 of each of these being made, they’re $765 on the strap, or $925 on the bracelet. You can check out the full range – including the original dials – over at christopherward.com