Bathy vsmall
John Patterson from Bathy’s sent this e-missive to let us know about their website update – I checked it out and its pretty smart (although I confess to skipping over the Flash intro).
I think the site mirrors Bathy’s bold designs and showcases them in an clean, elegant way.
Head on over and check them out..

“Quick Dispatch to the ‘Ohana……

The long-awaited, anticipated, newly-created, procrastinated, not-quite paginated, FLASH-animated, well-decorated, and with no prices too-inflated – Bathys Hawaii website is FINALLY up.

In fact at this moment it’s not even all the way up, but I thought the ‘Ohana would like to see the preview which is here:

It should go live later tonight, at which time it’ll be found here:

We’re still making adjustments over the next few weeks, but at least it’s up. Shoots.

And did anyone see our new full page ad in WatchTime featuring Hawaiian Waterman Kalani Vierra? Do you like it? Yes I know there is no giant highly-retouched shot of a Bathys watch looming in the foreground like every other ad… perhaps we are making a mistake by doing something different? As I think I mentioned, this photo was not taken as a product shot…just happened that Mario Perez had this shot of Kalani wearing his Bathys surfing at PKs.
At least it is a REAL picture of someone really wearing and using our watch.

In other fun news…mark your calenders for April 17th, 2007. – Bathys Hawaii will be having a Hawaiian-style party for everyone coming to Baselworld 2007 at Club59 in Basel, CH that night. (see this link
I’ll be there, all the Bathys watches will be there (maybe even some new ones?), fun gifts, and free Mai Tai’s of course – it will be THE place to be in Basel. I personally invite each of you to come and hang out, talk story (as we say here in Hawaii), and see that a Baselworld party doesn’t have to be a stiff-ass suit-and-tie affair. We considered banning anyone who does wear a suit, but that wouldn’t be right.
I guess.

John Patterson

Aloha indeed.

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Last Update: November 14, 2006