Although D-Day was no picnic, the commemoration of that Day of Infamy is still a popular way to show a bit of hometown pride. To wit: Graham’s two new chronographs dedicated to the men who died on the shingle.

These massive watches feature Graham’s trigger-style chronograph button and are very clearly D-Day themed. The black model says “D-Day June 6 1944” on the face while the green model is Operation Overlord-themed.

The black model features a “grained dial with a five-pointed circled star used on WW2 Allied & US Army vehicle.” The green model features “

  • Green sandblasted vintage dial with vintage numerals font used on US Air Force aircraft fuselage
  • Indian head at 6 o’clock which recalls the second US infantry division

There is no clear pricing yet but these are limited to 75 pieces each in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day. You and your band of brothers should check them out.

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Last Update: May 30, 2019