Hello and welcome to yet another exciting edition of The HourTime Show, the official podcast of WristWatchReview.com. Your hosts this week are John, Victor, and Nicholas. Also joining us this week is fellow watch aficionado and longtime Apple observer John Gruber of Daring Fireball.
We start this week with a quick wrist check: Victor’s got an Ollech & Wajs C-1000, Nicholas has his gray CasiOak, and John has his Seamaster Chrono GMT. Gruber, who joins about one-third of the way through the episode, is wearing an Apple Watch (though he notes that he’d just as likely be wearing his Rolex Submariner ref. 14060M).
Nicholas has a brief follow-up to a topic we discussed several weeks ago: whether or not the photos for the Hodinkee edition Oris (which we liked!) were shot on film or not. We now have confirmation that at least some of them were, and that the video was shot on Super 8. This leads to a mini rant from John on the state of media today and a critique of some very busy-looking Omegas.
We then move onto some Apple talk, focusing on the newly released iPhone 13 and 13 Pro. Should you upgrade? That depends on where you’re coming from, iPhone-wise, but certainly the macro photography mode of the 13 Pro would come in handy if you take a lot of watch photos. Instagram, here we come.
Gruber then joins the pod, sparking a wide-ranging discussion of the Apple Watch, Rolex price creep, getting into “real” watches, and more. It’s a great chat with some real watch geeks, so you’re in for a treat!
And that, as they say, is that.
Big thanks to John Gruber for taking the time to hang with us this week. Be sure to read Daring Fireball, listen to The Talk Show and Dithering, and follow him on Twitter.
Thanks once again to Andrew Haworth for producing this week’s episode.
Keep it locked to WristWatchReview.com and @wristwatchreview on Instagram for more fun watch content.
Thank you for listening, and have a great week!