Welcome back to our regular feature, the Watch Video Rewind.  In this series, we bring to light videos we feel are interesting and worth sharing out with our readers.  Today, instead of videos about watches, I have a series of videos all about how we keep time in a more general sense, from atomic clocks, to the start of time zones, to why it is we lose an hour of sleep every spring.

Our first video was produced by the Atlantic, and it walks us through the US Naval Observatory’s time keeping service, the official clock for the US.

If you want to go back a ways, TED-Ed shows how the ever powerful Railroads standardized time across the US (and the world) and led to the creation of time zones.

And finally, for all of us who woke up groggy the Monday on March 9 after losing an hour of sleep, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver ask the question, “Daylight Saving Time – How Is This Still A Thing?”

That’s it for this week’s video rewind.  If you stumble across any interesting watch (or time) related videos out there, drop us a line. If we end up using it from your suggestion, we’ll be sure to tip our hats (electronically, if not literally) in your general direction.

Categorized in:

General, Watch Video Rewind,

Last Update: March 16, 2015