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Hey, guys and gals, ready to hear about another new watch brand that’s starting up? Wait, wait, don’t run away. What if I told you it was all American-made (not just built in the States)? Ok, ok, well, how about if it managed to recycle not just old pocket watch movements (that’s how you can get an American-made movement), but also the material used for the case? Well, then, hopefully we have your interest, as the new Arcane Watches look to be interesting.


Welcome back to our regular weekend feature, Watching the Web. In this series, we take a look back at interesting articles from across the wider web of watch sites, as well as highlighting some of the most read articles from our own sites. From our friends in the world of watch writing, we have new of an American brand creating their own (American-made) movement, a hands-on review of a watch that we previewed this week, and another hands-on article that focuses on new watches created by a former watch modder. From our own pages, we have a trio of hands-on articles, and a bonus one that covers some hot EDC gear.


When it comes to brands producing homage watches, you certainly have no shortage of choice. There are all manner of mushroom brands haunting auction sites, as well as the more established – yet still built to an astoundingly low price point – brands turning out copies of watches that used to be. Then you get to brands like MKII who draw inspiration for their designs from those of the past (and are open about what those inspirations are), blend them together, and come up with something that is both recognizable and their own. Their latest foray is known as the MKII Hawkinge.


I think that it is safe to assume that, if you are reading articles here on WWR, you are in to watches. Yes, we all have our own favorite styles, complications, and brands, but it all falls under the umbrella of watches. Are you as in to watch straps are you are the watches themselves? I have come to realize that I am (Hi, my name is Patrick and I’m a burgeoning watch strap collector).