I don’t mind non-watchies talking about buying watches, but this article was a little too “I don’t know me arse from me elbow, har har” for my taste

Whatever, these watch companies give you all this active lifestyle guff and show you pictures of Swiss pensioners in brown store coats painstakingly assembling the inner workings with tweezers, and then they try to flog you something that is more complicated than a slide rule and is made from uranium. Or which is bigger and heavier than Fort Knox and would look stupid on even Puff Diddly.

I think I’ve found an answer, though. There’s a watch called the Bell & Ross BR 01-92 which, according to the blurb, is made in Switzerland from German parts by a company that supplies the American military and is used regularly by people who make a living by being fired from the gun turrets of Abrams M1 tanks while riding burning jet-skis.

This is kind of like the guy who says “I know nothing about cars and I’m really poor. What should I buy? A Porsche Carrera or a Boxster?” The second statement kind of negates the first statement. I mean that B&R he mentions is essentially his nemesis. Oh well.

I’m calling time on silly watches

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Essays, Fun, General,

Last Update: August 28, 2006