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If you have been reading our site for a while, you should be familiar with the TokyoFlash brand. They make playful digital watches that are sometimes a little… obscure… in how they are read. Straightforward or not, the brand like to play around with how time is represented on the dial. Both Patrick and I have had the chance to check out various models in hand, and I can attest that the build quality of the watches is solid, at least on an initial review. Now, the brand is announcing two new variations, both TokyoFlash Japan wood cased watches, the Radioactive and the Vortex.


TokyoFlash Japan is no stranger to our site, and if you have been reading us for a while, you should know that they produce a wide range of interesting digital watches, frequently with very unique ways to show the time. For their newest release, the TokyoFlash Japan Kisai Logo Wood LCD Watch, they actually have a pretty straightforward display, unless you want to go cryptic, and they have an option for that as well.


As of late, TokyoFlash really seems to be into a sort of 70’s SciFi sort of a motif, mixing wood (for the case and bracelet) with angular shapes and vivid LED displays. This latest somehow manages to call to mind the consoles of Star Trek The Next Generation (which of course is a different era of scifi). Not that they had circular displays, but just the use of color and the segments. Perhaps I am getting ahead of myself here a bit, though. Let’s take a look at what the TokyoFlash Kisai Satellite X Wood has on offer.


TokyoFlash Japan Kisai Vortex 04These guys have me confused right now. On the one hand, the TokyoFlash Japan Kisai Vortex LCD watch is probably the nicest looking and most refined watch I have seen from them. On the other hand, what time it? It is a sharp looking watch with their own twist on the actual telling time part of a watch’s function.


Tokyoflash Japan is a watchmaker that we have covered on WWR many times in the past. If you are unfamiliar, they produce digital watches that have playful (or sometime confounding) time displays. The Tokyoflash Japan Kisai Maze Wood LCD splits the line between readable and confounding with alternate time displays, straight forward when you want, and coded when that tickles your fancy.


If you have read the site for a while, you should be aware of TokyoFlash Japan, a watch maker that specialized in… alternative displays built into digital watches. We have reviewed a number of their watches to date, and they just reached out to us for a launch deal on the new TokyoFlash Japan Kisai Kaidoku Wood. Through around 7:00 Pacific on July 30, you can get this watch for the introductory price of $109 (I don’t know what it goes up to after that).


TokyoFlash has been creating unusual digital watches for a while. They have a variety of different ways to represent time on the watch, some straight forward and inventive, some a little tougher to read. The Kisai Upload walks between the line between the two, using the same type of system utilized for road markings to represent the time on the watch.