TokyoFalsh Kisai Vortex Wood 01If you have been reading our site for a while, you should be familiar with the TokyoFlash brand.  They make playful digital watches that are sometimes a little… obscure… in how they are read.  Straightforward or not, the brand like to play around with how time is represented on the dial.   Both Patrick and I have had the chance to check out various models in hand, and I can attest that the build quality of the watches is solid, at least on an initial review.  Now, the brand is announcing two new variations, both TokyoFlash Japan wood cased watches, the Radioactive and the Vortex.

TokyoFlash Kisai Radioactive WoodThe Radioactive is not one I have checked out previously, but the design is one of the more straightforward timepieces that they make.  Of course, it still does not look like it is actually telling the time, instead it is pretending to be a Geiger counter.  The upper three rows of LED segments display the hour, with the lit segment filling the display from1:00 to 12:00.  The middle of the watch shows the minutes, in 5 minute segments, and the 4 parts to the radioactive symbol at the bottom of the watch add the final piece, each one filling in turn as the minutes pass.  So as the time passes, the watch “reads” more radioactivity, and more of the segments are filled in.   The watch is rechargeable through a USB port, with about a one month power reserve.

TokyoFalsh Kisai Vortex Wood 02The next model getting the wood case treatment is the Vortex, a model I have checked out previously.  The various rings are used to tell the time in two time zones, and the watch bezel is the touch sensitive control for adjustment.  The wood version comes on a leather strap, and the digital display is offered in red, blue and a natural gray.  The image below shows how the time is displayed on the watch.

TokyoFlash Japan Kisai Vortex 02Of the two, I prefer the Vortex, especially with the wood case, but the Radioactive is playful enough that it could see some wrist time.  Frankly, I don’t think I am the target audience for the brand, but back in college, these would have been fun to have, and something I could have seen myself buying (I did go to an engineering/science school).

Watch Overview:

  • Brand & Model: TokyoFlash Japan Kisai Radioactive Vortex Wood watches
  • Price: $149 ($4 discount if you like the page)
  • Who we think it might be for: You want something fun.
  • Would I wear one myself based on what I’ve seen?: Maybe a few times, but not very often.
  • If I could make one design suggestion, it would be: The brand does a good job at designing to meet their goals, I have no suggestions.
  • What spoke to me the most about this watch: I am kind of over wood watches, but these are still fun.

Tech Specs from TokyoFlash Japan:

  • Movement: Digital
  • Functions: Multi function display
  • Case: Wood
  • Crystal: Mineral glass
  • Water resistance: Not specified (I would keep them dry)
  • Straps: Wood bracelet onthe Radioactive, leather strap on the Vortex
  • Diameter: 34.5mm wide for the Radioactive, 45mm diameter for the Vortex
  • Case Height: 11mm wide for the Radioactive, 12.5mm diameter for the Vortex






Last Update: September 30, 2015