
Love “em or hate “em, the smart watch parade is one that definitely isn”t coming to an end any time soon.  To that end, the folks over at E Ink have decided to start making displays custom-built for watch applications.

Yes, other watches have made use of e-ink (generic) displays in the past, but this looks to be (at least to my knowledge) the first time the E Ink corporation has focused in specifically on a smaller panel destined for your wrist.  How small?  Try a 1.73″ measurement, with a 320 x 240 grayscale resolution.

Fortunately, it looks like this one isn”t vaporware – there”s already one vendor, Sonostar, lined up to use this in their Mobius watch.  To be sure, these displays aren”t nearly as flashy as what you”ll find in your cell phone – but as a complement to your phone (which most of these hook up to), a lower-power display makes sense.

You can read the full PR right , and you can see our other smart watch articles right here; you can also check out a hands-on preview right here.

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Last Update: October 8, 2013