Welcome to the HourTime show, the best 30 minute (+/-) hour podcast on the web.

In this weeks episode we discuss:

One upon a time there were two guys that really liked watches.

One day they had the fantastic idea of creating a podcast for other people that liked watches too. So shortly there-after, just like tireless seamstress behind her Singer, they ‘made it sew (so)’ and everything was great.

But after a while, both the watch nerds decided that instead of sitting behind their computers all day, dreaming, looking at, reading about and contemplating watches, they would go out side. And you know what? They liked it … a lot … and in no time flat, just going outside was no no longer enough for them so traveling to far away mystic lands became the order of the day – and they went EVERYWHERE!

This went on for many months, and the two guys that made that podcast, were not herd from for great stretches of time. This perplexed the inhabitants of the ‘Land-of-podcast-subscribers’ to no end, and they wondered if the watch nerds would ever start producing the podcast again. It was a dark time in the kingdom and many listeners were very sad, and turned to podcasts about cooking to help ease their wretched suffering.

Then one day they recorded another podcast and the people rejoiced. The End.


The moral of this story is: if you leave the seat that sits in front of your computer, the kingdom falls in to ruin.

– Audio Ninja

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Last Update: September 1, 2014