

You really took a shine to our twist on the giveaway this month, with some rather inventive entries coming in.  There were several we weren’t quite sure how the reader would actually execute on the suggested shot, but nevertheless, we narrowed down the field with input from our friends over at Gavox, and now we’ve got our final contenders.

Here is the narrowed-down field of entries for you to help us decide from:

  • Tom Printy
    • The driver of the the 2015 Corvette stingray just finished his best time at the Nürburgring ring. He is confident that he has made his place in the record book, and GM is happy with the cars performance. The driver checks his Gavox Legacy and notices that he has enough time for a quick shower and to get dressed, before he boards his citation cj3 to jet off to Paris for a nice dinner with his wife. Before he can go the driving paporazi snaps his picture while he leans up against the still hot hood of the Corvette as he points to his Gavox Legacy mouthing, “I gotto go!”
  • Matt
    • Should I have the Legacy, it would feature in a series of photos throughout the most important day of my life. The first, of it sitting proudly on a bench next to a pair of silver cufflinks. The second, of it being placed on my wrist and adjusted just so, with the three men closest to me in my life gathered behind me. The final shot of the set takes place a short while afterwards in a nearby garden in the Australian wine country, on a sunny spring afternoon in October this year. The sunlight glints off the Legacy as my hands gently brush the cheek of my best friend, dressed in a stunning white dress, just seconds after she becomes my wife…
  • Neal Goodacre
    • Driving down a long dirt road passing row after row of grape vines towards my favorite winery. Entering the cool tasting room filled with racks of aging red wine and enjoying the smell of old oak and fermentation I grab my of glass of red and put it to the light. At this point I would take a great shot of a nice glass of red in my hand and the wonderful Gavox Legacy on my wrist. Two favorites in one shot.

Let us know in the comments who you think the lucky recipient should be.  Once we’ve got all the entries in here by the end of the month, we’ll announce the winner by the end of next week.


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Last Update: May 1, 2014