
Remember when the multi-colored iPod nano ads came out? How you were all like “Ohhh… I’d like the orange one maybe. And the black one is amazing!” Well, here is Too Late, a watch company that truly attacks that weird hunter-gatherer node in the brain that encourages us to like bright colors.

We saw this watch on our travels through Roma and I had to share it with you. The company is based in Italy and they make them in two sizes, although both were too small for me. The watches are ostensibly waterproof and come in little glass jars.

Truth be told, the watch is junk. It’s just a lump of quartz stuck inside a rubber band. But my, they are alluring. At 16 euro – about $20 – they’re just this side of a good deal and if anything they make a nice fashion statement.

You can buy them here and I’ll have a full review after my wife wears it for a few days. They even come in glow-in-the-dark models! They’re no Nooka, but if you care more about your watchband not clashing with your Pumas and less about the movement or feature set, this is a cool watch.

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Last Update: April 22, 2009

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