At least, it does with Botta Design’s new watch, the Uno 24.  How’s it doing that, you might ask?  Read on!

Around the outer edge of the dial, you’ve got the (larger) numerals in the standard 12 hour layout that we’re familiar with.  Helping with the quick-read ability is the fact that the hand indicating this time is larger, and in a bright yellow.

Then, if you look closer in on the dial, you’ll notice that there’s a second set of numbers, in a 24 hour format – and there’s your second time zone.  There’s a smaller (almost seconds-hand looking) hand with a yellow tip indicating the time. Still readable, but subtle enough that it won’t impinge on a quick time read of the 12 hour zone.

Another feature that I find intriguing here is also on the dial.  You may not notice it at first, but there’s a subtle color variation between the top and the bottom of the dial.  This is intended as a day/night indicator to be used in conjunction with the 24-hour hand.  Quite quickly you can be reminded of what time of day it might be in the timezone you’re tracking.

There’s a lot to like about this 40 mm watch – its a very interesting twist on both one-handed and GMT watches that I don’t believe I’ve seen before.  Add in a quartz movement, and it’s something that should run reliably for you with minimal intervention.

If you find it interesting as well, you can pre-order (until December 12th), and gain a discount that brings the starting price down to about $400.  When it comes to options, the only upticks in price will be if you opt for the black case (as shown here), and if you want an additional strap or two; choosing between leather or a metal bracelet has no impact.

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Last Update: November 18, 2011

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