
So, do you remember back in April when we ran a different contest for the Gavox Legacy?  We had quite a few different entries, and with the help of Gavox, we narrowed things down to our top 3 favorite stories (a recap can be found here).  Our winner, Matt, was going to wear the watch on the biggest day of his life – his wedding.

Now, we often encourage our readers to send in wrist shots (either via email or on our Facebook page), but those have not been as frequest as you and I might hope.  Now, to get to see our winner’s wrist shot, in the scene he painted for us?  That is just about spot on!  Check out Matt’s picture below – and then get to sending in some more wrist shots!

If we get a critical mass, we can start doing some regular posts of roundups, which I really think would be pretty cool to do.  We are all collecting these affordable wrist machines, why not share your love with a like-minded community?  If you do send in an image, please follow these guidelines:

  • Ensure that the picture is at least 860px wide
  • Name the file with the make and model of the watch, so it’s clear cut what the watch is
  • Let us know the social media accounts (Instagram, Twitter, etc) to link things to, or if you’d prefer to stay anonymous with a nickname of some sort.

If you want to participate in this (hopefully) new feature for the site, just send your picture in (following the guidelines above) to us via email with the subject line “Reader Wrist Shot Roundup”.

Until then, there is only one thing left to say – congrats again, Matt!


Categorized in:

Contests, Photos,

Last Update: January 15, 2015