Morning Dew On A Web Desktop BackgroundHello and welcome back (I hope) to Watching the Web, our weekly installment where we highlight interesting watches related articles from other sites, and point out own more popular articles over the last week. Today, we have a review of the Borealis Seahawk 1500 from a diver’s perspective, a photo essay from a watchmaking class held by Audemars Piguet, and a tutorial on how to remove scratches from a watch crystal.  From our site, Patrick swept the top spots, with his recent reviews of the Shinola Rambler GMT, the Gavox Aurora, and the Steinhart Military 42.

Jaques de Vos SeahawkBorealis produces high quality dive watches at affordable price points (I frequently wear the Sea Diver, and Patrick reviewed the Seahawk), and the Seahawk takes the brand down deep, with a 1500 meter depth rating.  Yes, it is overkill for almost everyone, but these extreme watches are popular.  Diver Jacques de Vos strapped one on over his wetsuit and took it for a couple of dips, and shares his thoughts here.

APSF-10Over at TimeZone, there is a good blog post from a reader and his wife that were able to attend a watchmaking class held by Audemars Piguet in San Francisco.

tk-how-to-remove-watch-scratches-gear-patrol-lead-fullOver at Gear Patrol, there is a helpful article on how to remove (shallow) scratches from your watch’s sapphire crystal should it get a bit too beat up.

Shinola-Rambler-GMT-09Shinola always gets a lot of interest on our site, and the Rambler GMT was no exception.  Patrick loves a good GMT, and he thought that this one was worth considering.  In the review he compared the Rambler with the Filson GMT (also made by Shinola); I think the Shinola is the sportier looking of the two, and probably my favorite Shinola to date.

Gavox-Aurora-FeaturedGavox is another brand we like here at WWR, and the Aurora steps up the typical world timer functionality with the ability to change time zones in 15 minute increments.  This can be useful in certain parts of the world, where (as an example) Iran and Afghanistan have their clocks 1/2 hour off from the convention, and Nepal is on the quarter hour.

Steinhart-Military-42-05Lastly, we have the Steinhart Military 42, a vintage military inspired modern timepiece.  Patrick and I are split on the small second hand, with it being a deal killer for him, but I kind of like it.

Cognitime1Time is running out to enter our monthly watch give-away contest.  This month, we have a Cognitime Classic watch to give awayI took a look at the watch back in 2014 and it is an interesting hybrid using a digital display to indicate the analog passage of time.


Wrist ShotWe also want to put the call out for wrist shots of our reader’s favorite (or at least favorite of the moment) watches.  Put together an email of your wrist shot and tell us a little about the watch and why you love it.  If you happened to be introduced to it through our site (or won it through a give-away), even better.  Just make sure the image is a JPEG and at least 800 pixels wide.

With that, I will wrap things up. As always, if there’s something you think we should be covering, feel free to drop us a line. If you bring something up that we end up writing about, we’ll be sure to tip our hats (electronically, if not literally) in your general direction.

Last Update: May 26, 2015