I was just poking around when I noticed that WWR was born in June, 2006 and, having missed the big day, I thought I’d celebrate now.

It’s been a long couple of years, many of them dry and desiccated thanks to my many intervening gigs including EIC of Gizmodo and now TechCrunch. But I founded this site to learn more about watches and now, it seems, that I’ve gotten my money’s worth. I’ve written nearly a thousand posts on this site and also written 100,000 words on watches for other sources. I’ve also recently started working with Ariel Adams and we’re already at episode 86 of the Hourtime Show. Pretty nuts.

Thankfully I have a great co-writer now, Patrick, who is far too accepting of the difficult and unrewarding position he recently accepted by writing with me, and thankfully I have you guys, who have read this site even when it was updated less frequently than a Geocities page.

Thanks for your patronage and here’s to another seven years.

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Essays, Events,

Last Update: November 28, 2011

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