As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve got in mind a little giveaway that commemorates the arrival of my new little one at home.  Now, normally, I’d be handing out cigars, right?  That’s not quite so watch related, though, so we’re going a different route.

For this giveaway, we’ll actually have two winners, as I’ve got two pens (ballpoint) from the fine folks at Ingersoll that need to find a new home.  Now, I know what you’re thinking – how exactly does this relate to a baby?  Therein lies the crux of the giveaway.

The first two people to guess what watch I was wearing when she was born, and post it in the comments on this post, will win a pen.  Of course, it’s not just a blind guess.  I’ll start off by giving one fairly broad hint, and if that doesn’t net us the answers in a few days, I’ll add some more hints.

The Rules

  • One comment / guess per person, please – until a new clue is released
  • This is limited to folks in North America


  1. I did a hands-on review of this watch within the last (6) months (told you it was a broad clue)

Good luck!

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Last Update: November 26, 2012

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