
It”s a new month, and that means it’s time for a new giveaway.  This month, we”ll be putting the excellent Gavox Legacy up for grabs (you can see our review here).  We”re also trying a new method for entries this month – read on to get the details!

So, this time around, the owner of Gavox had an interesting idea for how to handle the giveaway, and I think it’s something we”ll give it a go for.  Rather than the various entry methods (commenting, tweeting, following pages, etc), we”re going to go with a simple comment.


That comment, though, needs to be on the following topic:  if you had the Gavox Legacy on your wrist, where would you take it to get a great wrist shot?  Don”t just say “the park”, paint us a picture.  This is important, as we at WWR, along with Gavox, will pick our three favorite entries, and then put them to you, our readers, for a vote.

Since this is a two-stage process, this first part will only run for two weeks, rather than our customary month.  Get creative, we’re interested to see what you’ll come up with!  We”ll close off entries on or around the 15th, and then get the voting post up within a few days after.

Once that’s wrapped up and we have our winner, then we”ll await the winning photo!


Categorized in:

Contests, Featured,

Last Update: January 12, 2015

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