Moment 01

The other day I wrote about 2 new smart watches that are driven by a single purpose, one to give you the score for your favorite soccer team, and the other to help you track your fitness.  Today’s watch goes in the other direction, a connected device that has the goal of being a complete interface with your smart phone.  The Moment Smartwatch is more of a full screen smart bracelet that interacts with your phone, and also tells the time.

Moment 02

The project is early in the funding phase on Kickstarter, but they have already reached their threshold to go live, so a pledge is a commitment at this point.  There are two pledge levels, $188 for one of the three color options, or $189 for an earlier delivery for developers.  Before you get clever and think you can jump the line for $1, realize the developer watch does not let you choose your color and may not be a fully finished product.  It is designed for people who want to develop apps to go with the project.  The image above is identified as a functional prototype.

Moment 03

So what is the watch?  First off, at this point it is a project.  I have not evaluated the technology used nor the ability of the creators to carry the project through.  You are buying in to the developer’s ability to take a prototype and turn it into a mass produced consumer electronics product.  They have over 700 backers about 2 days into the project; I would not be surprised if this blows up into the 5,000 or more backers, it is cool technology.  You can use it to read and send emails, probably texts, view sports, control your camera and use it as a presentation tool.  For those of you that live tethered to your phone, this could be something that really clicks with you.  For me, I want my phone in my pocket, or in my hand, and my watch on my wrist.  But that is just me.  And even saying that, this is cool stuff.


Watch Overview

  • Brand & Model: Moment Smartwatch
  • Price: $188
  • Who we think it might be for: Anyone looking to be ahead of the technology curve.
  • Would I buy or recommend it just on the photos?:  This is a tough call, but I would not get it, I don’t need to be that connected.
  • If I could make one design suggestion, it would be: I would like to see more on the watch part of the watch.
  • What spoke to me the most about this watch:  It is cutting edge.

Last Update: June 30, 2014

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