What the heck?

Man! I joined the Orsa forum on 3’Ts back in Feb 07 but never posted (didn’t bookmark the site, my bad) and recently found it again…started posting…and got locked out! To make a long story short the stupid IP address that comes out of the company I work for all comes out the same so when a coworker signed into the forum they thought I had 2 accounts and locked us both out! Serious bummer! Now I can’t post about Orsa watches on their forum…..the moderators response was and I quote “our records show you joined in Nov. 07′ and not one post till’ today? Looks like you’ll live without us….enjoy the forums you call home” …believe that?! Sooo bummed! Does anyone know if Orsa has another forum?

Here is the full thread. Trust me, guys: I’ll never block ANY of you. Unless you curse.

Update – It was Orsa, which is a little more understandable.

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Forums, Fun, General,

Last Update: July 2, 2008

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