It’s a new month, which means it’s time to give you, our loyal readers, another chance to win a new watch for yourself. Today, we’ve got the ESQ Scout up from grabs that we reviewed right here.

As you know from the review, Scout is an appellation that I applied to the watch, as I find names easier to remember than model numbers. Any which way, if you manage to win yourself this tidy quartz chronograph, you can feel free to call it whatever you’d like.

As with all our giveaways, the steps are simple:

  1. Comment below on what name you’d give to the watch
  2. Go on over to the giveaway widget, and complete your entry

Be sure to do both steps to be fully entered. As always, this giveaway is limited to North America (to keep shipping costs down), and our thanks to ESQ for providing the watch. Good luck!

Categorized in:

Chronograph, Contests, ESQ,

Last Update: August 29, 2019

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