You know me and quartz watches (spoiler alert: I hate them) so for me to slap a quartz up here is a big deal. Why? Because I love the bulbous design from folks like the Ressence but I don’t like the huge price. Hence the reason I’m posting the OVD Time Traveler.

This odd quartz duck has two mystery-style hands inside a sexy rounded case. There is a recessed button on the back of the watch that zooms the hands into motion like a cartoon coyote sitting on a cactus plant and for $200 you could probably do worse. In short the Hong Kong-based design team building these things are hitting a lot of the right tickle spots.

The watch is pretty basic – just a two hander with some tricks up its sleeve – but the design is what really keeps my interest. I would love to see a mechanical version of this one day and I’d love for the team to truly offer a Ressence-style set of hands instead of the weird hand sandwich they’ve created by embedded the rings into the actual face but them’s the breaks. They have about forty-four days to go and have raised $3,000 of their $10,000 target.

Last Update: December 20, 2016

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