
Welcome back to our weekly installment, where we have a quick look at some interesting watches and articles that have popped up over the last week, as well as taking a second look at what some of our more popular articles this week were. Today, we’ve got a hand-made(!) silver watch case, a guide for the person who’s looking to have just one watch, plus, as always, a pointer to some of our more popular articles from the last week.

silver case

First up, we’ve got something quite impressive that I ran across over at Reddit – a guy decided to create his own watch case out of silver that he had as offcuts from his main job as a jeweller.  The thread covers some of what he went through, as well as some Q&A that occurred.  For those more visually oriented, head on over here to see the process from start to finish.


Next, over at Gear Patrol, Jason Heaton takes you through some tips to keep in mind if you’re looking to have just one watch to wear year-round.  Now, many readers probably have a healthy collection, but there’s also something to be said for those who can narrow their focus to just a single watch that meets all of their needs.  Jason puts forth some great things to think about if this is the road you’re travelling, and the article is definitely worth a read.

Nicolas Mathieu Rieussec

Next up, of course, we need to talk about some of our more popular articles from the last week.  One of the most popular articles from the week was the Historical Horology post we had up on the history of the chronograph.  We seem to write about that complication quite a bit, and for good reason – it’s fairly complex, as well as being one of the more popular ones to be included in a watch.  If you’d like to know a bit more about how it came to be, you’ll want to read this one.

AVI-8-Hawker-Harrier-II (14)


Not too surprisingly, another one of the popular posts was our March giveaway for an AVI-8 Hawker Harrier II.  If you’ve not yet entered into the giveaway, you might as well take a few minutes now, head on over to the giveaway post, and get your entry in.  And then, while you’re at it, tell a friend and get them entered as well!


Last, but not least, I want to put one last watch in here, for a review of a watch that occupies a special place for me.  The review is of a steel Skagen that I have in my collection.  As to why I would want to highlight this particular watch, the story is in the date – it was this day (some years ago) that I wore this watch when I married my beautiful wife.  And that’s the only reason to bring up this review (along with a look at my poor photography from 2012) – purely sentimental.  And that’s one of the best reasons for having a watch stay in your collection, if you ask me.

With that, we’ll wrap things up for this week! As always, if you feel there’s something that we should be covering (either in these wrapups, or as a full-blown article), feel free to drop me a note.

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Featured, Watching The Web,

Last Update: March 7, 2014