Our friends over at The CGA Company have an interesting project they”re trying to get off the ground.  Basically, they getting a new watch brand up and running, but there”s more to it than that.

There”s actually an organization out there that trains disabled veterans the skills of watchmaking.  With graduates of that program, CGA wants to create a brand that is, in their words, “by patriots for patriots”.  In practical terms, that means you”re getting a watch that has been assembled in the US by hands that helped protect your (and mine) freedom.

As it stands right now, things are in the very early stages, and there are a few ways you can keep up on the project:

Via the webpage, you can donate to help get the project up off the ground.  Or, if you have a more artistic streak to you, then you can pitch in and help design their logo.  Here are the details on that:

We are looking for a logo that will look good on a watch dial and one which can be lume”d so it will glow in the dark.  The best approach may be to have a more complicated logo for ads etc and a simpler version for the dial.

The winner of the contest will get a Minuteman watch once we get those produced.Deadline for entry is November 30th.

You can send your entry via email to  or send us a link.

All in all, it seems like a very interesting and worthwhile project – I”m looking forward to seeing the products they come up with.  Of course, once we start seeing some designs, we”ll do our best to keep you informed.

Categorized in:

New Models, Pre-Orders,

Last Update: October 8, 2013