Today, we’re going to have a look at a watch that’s the first COSC-certified model that I believe we’ve featured here on WWR.  While the Charmex brand may not be well known, if this model is any indicator, they merit some of your attention.

Charmex Watches actually traces their Swiss heritage back to 1926, when their founder Max Bürgin started his apprenticeship at a watch factory in Basel.  In February of 2010 a new subsidiary was setup in Utah, making the company a mix of old and new, in my book.

But, enough about that – on to the watch!  As mentioned the model is named the Hurricane, and our review sample was in RAF red (2118).  So, why the Hurricane?  It was given that name to hearken back to the aircraft made famous in the Battle of Britain, and served heavily in the Royal Air Force (RAF) throughout WWII.  Appropriately enough for this review, we’re approaching the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.

So, other than the name, what are the ties to aeronautics, vintage or otherwise?  Well, along with the chronograph functions (more on that in a bit), you’ve got a slide rule printed onto the bezel.  If you actually know how to use one of these, you can calculate the following:

  • Multiplication and division
  • Map scale conversions
  • Currency conversions
  • Specific to aviation:  time en route and fuel consumption

While this sort of computation has been supplanted today by your smartphone or a $2 calculator, it’s easy to see the vintange references here, as using a slide rule for these sorts of calculations was actually quite prevalent until the mid-1970’s.  And hey, if you actually know how to use one, you’ve got one heck of a watch to strap on.

Of course, all of that won’t be nearly as useful without a solid movement – and that’s where we’ll pick things up tomorrow.



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Last Update: March 12, 2012