Whatā€™s that? Come here, sweetie. They didnā€™t mean it. What did they say exactly? Come here. Stop crying. Ok. Count to ten.

Deep breath. They called you ā€œfattie?ā€ Youā€™re just bigger than the other sports watches, sweetie. Look at Suunto. Or look at Casioā€™s Pathfinder line. Youā€™re about the same size but you have more features!

What? The T-Touch said that? Well the T-Touch doesnā€™t have a huge, extremely readable digital face with plenty of at-a-glance information. I mean look at you: you can tell if it will rain just by checking your wrist. And your compass is better than the T-Touchā€™s.


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Reviews, Timex,

Last Update: February 27, 2009

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