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ETA 2824-2

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Imagine the classic shot of an old world map, with a DC-3 propeller plane and a dashed line trailing behind it showing the journey. If I were making a promotion video of this watch, I would totally use that shot with the line going from Singapore to Switzerland, with a fade to the Jubileon Superellipse watch on the wrist of a gentleman holding a glass of scotch while traveling first-class.


If you are in the market for a bronze watch these days, you are certainly spoiled for choice. The material has shown up across numerous brands, often with an eye towards what the eventual patina is going to make the watch look like. Now, I am not saying that the Steinhart OCEAN 1 Bronze won’t develop a patina (as it likely will). It’s just that, at first glance, it really seems to playing up a higher-end look, with the bronze (and the bezel insert) giving things more of the look of a gold watch.


Often when we think of a wristwatch, we come at the concept with some rather preconceived notions of how the watch should function and how it will indicate the time. This is fine, because as a tool, we need to know how to rely on our watches to be used as designed with a minimum of fuss. As with any tool, however, there are ways to massage the standard format to take things in more unique directions. For watches, we see that quite a bit in the digital side, but nowhere near as much in the analog side of things. The latest entry into the genre of “analog time twisters” is from Bonhoff, known simply as the Bonhoff IP-3.0.