
Welcome back to our regular feature, the Watch Video Rewind.  In this series, we bring to light videos we feel are interesting and worth sharing out with our readers.  This week, we’ve got a bunch of videos about musical watches.

First up, we have The Stranger by Ulysse Nardin.  This is truly a music box shrunk down to the wrist watch.  While it pulls its name from the first song it played (Stranger in the Night), the second edition of the watch plays Vivaldi, and that is what this one is all about.

If you were wondering what the first iteration sounded like, well, wonder no more.  This next video takes you through the original version, as well as giving you a history of the brand.

Last, but not least, we’ll finish up with a watch that isn’t a music box, per se, but it is quite musical in it’s own right – the Jacuet Droz Bird Minute Repeater (which also happens to be an automat).  Whatever you may think about watches, this one is art, pure and simple.

That’s it for this week’s video rewind.  If you stumble across any interesting watch (or time) related videos

out there, drop us a line. If we end up using it from your suggestion, we’ll be sure to tip our hats (electronically, if not literally) in your general direction.

Last Update: April 6, 2015