If you’ve never thought about the beauty of coffee maker this is the time. The folks at Brew watches certainly are. Their new HP-1 is inspired by a “love for watch design and an obsession with coffee” and the face is inspired by “espresso machine gauges, which measure the pressure of the boiling hot water inside.”

To each, as they say, their own.

Created by Jonathan Ferrer the watch comes in three styles, gold, silver, and black. It contains a Seiko automatic movement which is more than sufficient for this style of watch and the case has a little window for the balance wheel on the back.

The HP stands for High Pressure. Quoth the makers:

?From the 10 to 12 hour markers, you will see light etched minute markers, symbolizing the high pressure region – hence the name HP-1. The second hand is similar to those seen on vintage industrial gauges, with its delicate and precise body. The thin hand is then joined with a counterweight of a small O-design, which allows for more accurate, uninterrupted movement as the watch revolves in its full 360 degrees. Having the most efficient balance with the design and manufacturing of these hands is essential, because with any uneven weight, it would be possible for the momentum and accuracy to be thrown off during normal use. That is why the hands have been designed, manufactured, and tested for the best quality in keeping accurate time.


I’m quite impressed by Ferrer’s discipline in making this watch a mere 38mm. While the rest of the world goes crazy with massive watches a 38mm piece shows an understanding of aesthetics and a respect for history. It also means you can buy this for a lady friend and she won’t be overwhelmed with sweet, sweet surgical steel.

A single watch costs
$450 for early birds and they’ll be shipping in December.

Last Update: August 15, 2016

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