
Welcome back to our weekly installment, Watching the Web, where we have a quick look at some interesting watches and articles that have popped up over the last week (or so), as well as taking a second look at what some of our more popular articles this week were. Today, we’ve got a discussion on buying used watches, and a quick overview on watch movements. After those, we’ll highlight (as usual) some of our more popular posts from the last week. Read on to see what we’ve got in store for you.


When it comes to buy watches, I think just about everyone has thought about going to the secondary (aka used) market, and for good reason.  You can very often find watches selling a prices lower than new, which means you can very well expect to get a decent deal (and sometimes a downright bargain).  This route of watch acquisition does have its potential pitfalls, though.  Over at Worn & Wound, they have a discussion on what they feel some rules are you should set for yourself if you go this route.


Over at Barron’s, Paul Boutros has a very concise article on watch movements. It starts off with a reference to some books that give deeper detail, and then heads on into the overview, quickly describing the difference between quartz, manual, and automatic watches. Then it gets into some components of the gear train, and caps things off with a discussion of the four grand complications. While this information isn’t anything new to most people into watches, it is a good resource to share with friends and family who may not be as in to watches as you, but want to learn more.

Haigh Hastings M2 Diver 01

Now, lets turn our attention back to our own pages.  First up, we’ve got Matt (who also appears to be the only member of the team who actually dives with dive watches) bringing us word of a new watch out of Australia, the Haigh 7 Hastings M2.  This looks like a nice entry into the ~$500 mechanical dive watch category.  Does it have a helium escape valve?  No, it doesn’t, but you and I will never need one, I’m willing to bet.


Next up, we have our hands-on review of the Areion White Chronograph.  This is a nice little quartz chronograph coming out of England, and one that is pretty affordable as well, coming in at around $325 (depending on conversion rates).  The brand has picked up quite a bit of attention as of late, so I won’t be surprised if their limited numbers (100 each of the blue, black, and white dials) will get cleared out in short order.  Is it a perfect watch?  No, and my review goes through those details.  For the price, though, it’s a decent option.


And last, but not least, a question: do you have your entries in for our current giveaway? It’s September, so that means we’ve got a brand new contest going on. Head on over here to get your entries in.

With that, we’ll wrap things up. As always, if there’s something you think we should be covering, feel free to drop us a line. If you bring something up that we end up writing about, we’ll be sure to tip our hats (electronically, if not literally) in your general direction.

Pictures courtesy of the source site

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Watching The Web,

Last Update: September 29, 2014

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