Whatever the time of year, you’ve always got at least one person that you are never quite sure about what to get them. If you’ve got someone on your list that is particularly refined (and that someone could be you, we won’t judge), well, Magellan Jets would like you to know about their 10-hour gift box.

You might be wondering, what in the world would you do with 10 hours? Well, with Magellan Jets, that means you get 10 hours of flight time on a private jet, potentially with as little as 8 hours of notice. Not only that, you get some other rather nice things for your flight:

  • 10 hours aboard Challenger 300
  • A bottle of the Macallan 25
  • The Breitling Aviator 8 Curtiss Warhawk watch
  • Master & Dynamic Custom Active Noise-Cancelling Wireless Over-Ear Headphones.

Whatever your view on flying is, everyone will admit that a good watch and great scotch will only make it better. Throw in those noice-cancelling headphones and plenty of room to stretch your legs, well, you definitely have my interest. Of course, bundling this with private jet charter puts this in the realm of “if you have to ask”, but I, of course, asked. The package starts at $110,000, so it’s no impulse buy. However, if Magellan needs anyone to test out this combination, I’d be willing to offer myself as a guinea pig. magellanjets.com

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Last Update: November 15, 2019