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22   Articles in this Category

Guess who’s back, back again. Yes, that’s right, it’s time for another reader review! Ok, sure, it has not been that long since we featured one but we really enjoy sharing what our readers are wearing, and what they think of the watches they are spending quality time with. Today, we have a review from Jose C of the Magrette Dual Time watch, the spiritual successor to the Magrette Regattare 2011. On with the show!


Sometimes, a brand will want to branch out into new designs – this happens quite a bit, across many industries. If there is some concern that the new direction might dilute or otherwise confuse what had already been built, a new brand will be created, allowing some other avenues to be explored. Of course, all the expertise and history travel along from the sister brand, which makes what we have with the Belmoto Timepieces an interesting proposition.


It is hard to believe it is December already, but it is, so it is time to roll out our weekly edition of Watching the Web. Here, we highlight interesting articles we come across on other sites, as well as identify which of our own recent articles were the most popular over the last week or so. For this week’s article, I have an ultra thin tourbillon, a new brand from one of the men behind Magrette, and a Damascas steel watch from GoS. From our pages, the posts about new Magrette models, the Lew & Huey Phantom and the Crowdfunding Round Up topped the list.