
I’ve got a post here for you that is a break from the norm.  No, it’s not about a watch, but it is coming from a watch company that I’ve become a fan of due to the quality they’ve built into their products – Smith & Bradley.  When they put something together for the outdoors, your bugout bag, or just plain EDC, it’s probably worth a look.  So, let’s see what the Smith & Bradley Beacon Box has in store.

These days, you can pick up all manner of fairly inexpensive battery packs to charge up your electronics( such as this Anker) – so why would you spring for something that is about double the price (at pre-order discounts) with less capacity?  Well, those other battery packs are just batteries.  With the Smith & Bradley Beacon Box, you get a good deal more.


First up (and what gave me pause) is the solar charging ability.  In the past, I’ve played around with solar-powered batteries, and was left a bit underwhelmed.  Here, Smith & Bradley are claiming the 10,000 mAh battery will fully charge (from empty) in 36 hours, and be able to charge your iPhone in about 90 minutes or so.  For someone on a long commute, headed off camping, or even just during a loss of power, that’s some handy capability.

Second, you have the built in protection factors.  One is literal protection, as you can place your device (and other odds and ends) in the case, clamp it closed, and keep things dry – another challenge you’ll face with your phone and wallet if you’re camping or doing something like canoeing.  The other protection comes in the form of LED lighting.  There are two sets – a yellow lower-power and bright-white high-power set.  The low power are great for nearby tasks, and the bright ones can actually be put into a signalling mode, which can be seen up to a mile away.


In the end, yes, the Smith & Bradley Beacon Box is more expensive than other battery packs you might pick up.  If you’re an outdoorsy type of person at all, or just like the idea of using solar to power your gadgets, then it may be worth a closer look.  The project is currently funding, with early bird pricing of $75 still available; the project wraps up June 6th with delivery expected in November.

Again, I realize this isn’t a watch.  But given what I have seen coming from the brand in the past, and discussions with both owners, I am convinced of their commitment to quality.  As such, I think this should be a safe project to jump in on, as it’s offering a unique mix of functionality.  Sure, it probably is not for everyone, but that’s just like watches – pick the tool, gadget, or watch that fits what you need it to do.  I think the Smith & Bradley Beacon Box will find a use with quite a few folks.


Last Update: April 29, 2015