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Reader Reviews: Magrette Dual Time

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Guess who’s back, back again. Yes, that’s right, it’s time for another reader review! Ok, sure, it has not been that long since we featured one but we really enjoy sharing what our readers are wearing, and what they think of the watches they are spending quality time with. Today, we have a review from Jose C of the Magrette Dual Time watch, the spiritual successor to the Magrette Regattare 2011. On with the show!


New Watches From Magrette for 2016

Patrick Kansa By Patrick Kansa

Finding out about new watches from brands we like is especially fun. You get to learn about what is new and changed on existing models, and sometimes even see something brand new being introduced. A lot of that sort of information happens in dribs and drabs, or in the giant flood known as BaselWorld. Well, Magrette likes to do things their own way, and they simply sent out an email detailing what was coming for 2016, to give those interested a chance to pre-order. So, with that background, let’s have a look at what is in the cards for Magrette next year.