
Back in January (here), we brought you a hands-on review of the Time-It watch, a silicone and LED slap bracelet of a timekeeper.  They’re back now with a new model that they’re hoping to bring to market.

The project is up at crowd-funding site Indiegogo (project page), and the watch is called (at least for now) the Triple-X.  Sure, it may be a cheap attention grabbing ploy, but it also representative of how the watch is displaying information.  You’ve got three rows of LEDs that combine to tell the time.  The 1st row is the hours, 2nd the 10’s place of the minutes, and third the remaining part of the minutes.


At the time of this writing, there’s just over three weeks left to go in the campaign, and funding looks like it will fall short of the mark.  If the project does fall short, however, you’ll still end up with a watch of some sort.  Per what they’ve got on the page, you’ll end up with a designer watch (unspecified) – so, if you’re feeling adventurous, it may be worth a flier.  And, if the watches do get to market, $29 (plus another $15 for international shipping) is a pretty low price to pay for some LEDs to put on your wrist.


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Crowd Funded,

Last Update: April 10, 2013

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