As you may or may not know, Toolwatch started out as an app to help you record and track the accuracy of your watches, without needing to resort to more expensive setups that rely on microphones at the like. Maybe not as precise, but close enough for government work, eh? Well, they’ve also been dabbling in some accessories, and one of the latest is an interesting box for your watches, the Toolwatch Essential Watchbox.

To my eyes, the Toolwatch Essential Watchbox is very much a combination that we’d see in some of our favorite watches. You’ve got a retro earthiness (courtesy of the American walnut) as well as a sleek modernism, via the stainless steel and exposed fasteners. And, for it’s simplicity, it looks well-done and gets the job accomplished it sets out to do.

And that, for the Toolwatch Essential Watchbox, is keeping your watch securely snugged away, with space for some other accessories (say, a ring and some chapstick). You can choose if you want a 1-slot ($259) or 2-slot ($279) version. The box is the same size, it’s just a matter of the dividers that are set inside that control how the watch pillow(s) can settle in.

I also rather like the “racing stripe” that the Toolwatch Essential Watchbox has going across the top of the box. It’s another interesting detail, and helps the box to stand out among the other retro/modern items you may across your desk or dresser. The Toolwatch Essential Watchbox is available directly from Toolwatch, and numbers are a bit limited, given the hand-made nature of the item.

ByPatrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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