I know, I know – it was just yesterday that I was talking about some jeans on Kickstarter.  Well, for whatever reason, there are some really interesting menswear projects hitting, so they’ll be showing up here when appropriate.  One of the latest is a shirt I wish I would have had on a trip I was on last week – the Lotushirt.

Now, why did I want this for that past trip?  When it comes to travel, if I can have a shirt that covers multiple days (which wrinkle free and fast drying means I can wash it in the sink if need be) that’s a bonus.  On this particular trip, though, it’s the stain-resistant portion that grabs my eye.  You see, I ended up dumping half of my lunch on myself the first day of the trip (hotel laundry service to the rescue).  With the Lotushirt, I could have mitigated some of that.

A lot of this comes down tp the fabric, which was a lot of interesting things going on here.  Along with all of the resistances, it’s labelled as being quite breathable, stretchy (which helps with comfort when you’re, you know, moving around), and just all-around comfortable.

That last bit, the comfort – along with all the other claims – we’ll be checking out.  I’ve got a sample of the Lotushirt in right now, and we’ll be giving it the full-on review treatment.  While you’re waiting for that, you can check out the project page here.  Pricing for the shirt is starting at $49, which really isn’t that bad for something that is so travel- and business-dress friendly.  We’ll put it through the paces, and be back with the full review before the project closes out on June 2.  project page

ByPatrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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