Way before I was “in to watches”, it seemed that the Ironman-branded watches of the late 80s / early 90s were just everywhere. I mean, it was hard to not know about them, and a number of people at school wore them, with the Ironman yellow accents making them stand out. If that’s stirring some nostalgia for you as well, then get ready for the Timex X Huckberry Ironman Flix.

While my memories precede this specific model, the Timex X Huckberry Ironman Flix is of a vintage – it hails back from 1999 (man, that feels like such a simpler time). Basically, this is the sort of watch that someone would pick up if they were training for something. No step counters, no heart rate measuring, no phone notifications. Well, none of those existed in ’99. So, yes, this watch is going back to a simpler time.

Still, there’s plenty of capability baked into the Timex X Huckberry Ironman Flix. You’ve got chronograph timing (including lap tracking), countdown timers, five different alarms, and a rudimentary “memo” system where you can have 10 notes of up to 24 characters (and you thought social media was limiting). If you want to pick one up, they’re available now for $109 from either Timex or Huckberry.

Details from Timex